17 January 2019

Thematic Focus: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

New book:

LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees from a Legal and Political Perspective: Persecution, Asylum and Integration (Springer, Dec. 2018) [info]
- "This book addresses the ‘three moments’ in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) asylum seekers’ and refugees’ efforts to secure protection: The reasons for their flight, the Refugee Status Determination process, and their integration into the host community once they are recognized refugee status. ..."

Other publications:

A Double Challenge: LGBTI Refugees and Asylum Seekers in South Africa (Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Oct. 2018) [text

Estudio sobre la situación de las personas LGTBI del norte de Centroamérica con necesidades de protección internacional en Guatemala y México (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, Aug. 2018) [text via ReliefWeb]

"Gender, Sexuality, Asylum and European Human Rights," Law and Critique, vol. 29, no. 2 (July 2018) [open access]

Genius: Journal of Legal Studies on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, no. 2 (Nov. 2018) [full-text]
- Includes focus section on "Protezione internazionale e SOGI = International protection and SOGI." Articles are in Italian or English.

"'I've got to go somewhere': Queer Displacement in Northern Central America and Southern Mexico," Chapter in LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees from a Legal and Political Perspective: Persecution, Asylum and Integration (Springer, Dec. 2018) [preprint]

"Lesbian and Gay Immigrants' Post-Migration Experiences: An Integrative Literature Review," Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, vol. 16, no. 3 (2018) [abstract]

LGBTQ Caravan Migrants May Have to 'Prove' Their Gender or Sexual Identity at US Border (The Conversation, Nov. 2018) [text]

"Sexuality and Integration: A Case of Gay Iranian Refugees’ Collective Memories and Integration Practices in Canada," Ethnic and Racial Studies, Latest Articles, 28 Nov. 2018 [preprint]

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity (3 Oct. 2018)

Tagged Publications.

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