16 September 2020

Open Access Round-up: 15 September 2020

Below is a listing of Open Access literature that I have referenced on this blog since 31 August 2020. If you are not familiar with Open Access, please visit my other blog for an introduction.

See also this list for a quick look at different types of Open Access.

Green Open Access [info]


"Beyond Humanitarian Logics: Volunteer-Refugee Encounters in Chios and Paris," Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, vol. 11, no. 2 (Summer 2020)
- Postprint version of article.
- Two authors, both based in the UK.

"Co-opting Coronavirus, Assailing Asylum," Georgetown Immigration Law Journal (Forthcoming, 2021)
- Preprint version of article.
- Author based in the US.

"The Pandemic Paradox in International Law," American Journal of International Law, vol. 114 (Forthcoming, 2020)
Preprint version of article.
- Four authors, with two based in the US and two based in Australia.

"Prospects for Protection in Light of the Human Rights Committee’s Decision in Teitiota v New Zealand," Polish Migration Review (Forthcoming)
- Preprint version of article.
- Two authors, both based in the UK.

"The Right to Seek Asylum in Canada (during a Global Pandemic)," Osgoode Hall Law Journal (Forthcoming)
Preprint version of article.
- Two authors, both based in Canada.

Book chapters:

"The Internal Protection Alternative,"  Chapter in Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law (Oxford Univ. Press, Forthcoming 2021)
- Preprint version of chapter.
- Author based in Czech Rep.

"Intersectionality, Forced Migration, and the Jus-generation of the Right to Flee: Theorising the Composite Entitlement to Leave to Escape Irreversible Harm," Chapter in Migration and the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford Univ. Press, Forthcoming)
Preprint version of chapter.
- Author based in the UK.

"What Should Immigration Law Become?," Chapter in A Life Dedicated to Family, Academia and Friends: A Festschrift in Memoriam and in Honor of Professor Stephen T. Zamora (Arte Publico Press, Forthcoming)
- Preprint version of chapter.
- Author is based in the US.

Diamond/Gold Open Access [info]

Note: The APC amount indicated is as of this writing; may vary depending on type of submission and may also be subject to change. Waiver status of authors is unknown.


"Barriers of Labour Market Integration of Humanitarian Immigrants in Sweden," African Journal of Governance and Development, vol. 9, no. 1 (July 2020)
- Two authors, both based in Ethiopia. No APC is indicated.

"Climate Change-Induced Migration: Pre-Conditions Determining Out-Migration in Semi-Arid Areas of Shinyanga, Tanzania," Journal of Science and Sustainable Development, vol. 7, no. 1 (2020)
- Author is based in Tanzania. No APC indicated.

"Complications of the Climate Change Narrative within the Lives of Climate Refugees: Slow Causality and Apocalyptic Themes," Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development, no. 22 (2020)
- Author is based in the US. No APC.

"Different Selection Processes, Different Outcomes? Comparing Labor Market Integration of Asylum Refugees, Resettled Refugees and Their Reunited Family Members in Finland," Comparative Migration Studies, 8:28 (Aug. 2020)
- Author is based in Finland. APC is $1180.

"Insecurity, Resource Scarcity, and Migration to Camps of Internally Displaced Persons in Northeast Nigeria," Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 17 (Aug. 2020)
- Three authors, all based in Germany. APC is 1800 CHF.

"International Migration Amid a World in Crisis," Journal on Migration and Human Security, OnlineFirst, 7 Sept. 2020
- Author is based in the US. No APC.

"Migration under Climate Change in Southern Africa: A Nexus Planning Perspective," Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 11 (June 2020)
- Seven authors, all based in South Africa. APC is 1800 CHF.

"More than a Wall: The Rise and Fall of US Asylum and Refugee Policy," Journal on Migration and Human Security, OnlineFirst, 31 Aug. 2020
- Author is based in the US. No APC.

"The Refugees’ Right to the Center of the City and Spatial Justice: Gentrification vs Commoning Practices in Tarlabaşı-Istanbul," Urban Planning, vol. 5, no. 3 (2020)
- Author is based in the Netherlands. APC is €900.

"Religion at the Margins: Resistance to Secular Humanitarianism at the Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh," Religions, vol. 11, no. 8 (Aug. 2020)
- Author is based in the US. APC is 1000 CHF.

"Revisiting the Refugee–Host Relationship in Nakivale Refugee Settlement: A Dialogue with the Oxford Refugee Studies Centre," Journal on Migration and Human Security, OnlineFirst, 2 Sept. 2020
- Author is based in Norway. No APC.

"Transnational Advocacy Networks of Migrants and Asylum Seekers’ Human Rights: The San Diego—Tijuana Border in the Trump Era," Social Sciences, vol. 9, no. 8 (Aug. 2020)
- Three authors, all based in Mexico. APC is 1000 CHF.

"Trapped or Voluntary? Non-Migration Despite Climate Risks," Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 11 (June 2020)
- Two authors, both based in Germany. APC is 1800 CHF.

"US Foreign-Born Workers in the Global Pandemic: Essential and Marginalized," Journal on Migration and Human Security, OnlineFirst, 11 Sept. 2020
- Two authors, both based in the US. No APC.

Journal issues:

International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, vol. 9, no. 3 (2020)
- Special issue on "Migration, Vulnerability and Violence," with six articles.

Politique et Sociétés, vol. 38, no. 1 (2019)
- Special issue on "Au coeur des politiques d’asile: perspectives ethnographiques," with six articles.

REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, vol. 28, no. 59 (May/Aug. 2020)
- Features a dossier on “LGBTI Migrants and Refugees,” with 8 articles in either English, Portuguese or Spanish.

Hybrid Open Access [info]

"Before Disembarkation: Eritrean and Nigerian Migrants Journeys within Africa," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 2 Sept. 2020
- Author is based in the Netherlands. APC is US$3500.

"Challenges to the Economic Integration of Afghan Refugees in the U.S.," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 12 Sept. 2020
- Two authors, both based in the US. APC is US$3500.

"The Conceptual Limits of the ‘Migration Journey’: De-exceptionalising Mobility in the Context of West African Trajectories," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 2 Sept. 2020
- Three authors, with lead based in the Netherlands and two co-authors in Switzerland. PC is US$3500.

"COVID-19 Pandemic and Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: What are the Major Concerns?," Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, Latest Articles, 20 Aug. 2020
- Five authors, with lead and four co-authors based in Bangladesh and one co-author in the US. APC is US$3500.

"Development Aid and International Migration to Italy: Does Aid Reduce Irregular Flows?," The World Economy, Early View, 6 Aug. 2020
- Two authors, both based in the UK. APC is US$2800.

"Evolution of Migration Trajectories and Transnational Social Networks Over Time: A Study among Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Europe," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 2 Sept. 2020
- Three authors, all based in the Netherlands. APC is US$3500.

"Forensic Medical Reports in Asylum Cases: The View of the European Court of Human Rights and the Committee against Torture," Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, vol. 38, no. 3 (2020)
- Author is based in the Netherlands. APC is US$3000.

"Humanitarian Assistance and Permanent Settlement of Asylum Seekers in Greece: The Role of Sympathy, Perceived Threat, and Perceived Contribution," International Migration Review, OnlineFirst, 20 Sept. 2020
- Three authors, all based in the Netherlands. APC is US$3000.

"Moving Toward ‘Home’: Love and Relationships through War and Displacement," Journal of Refugee Studies, Advance Articles, 5 Sept. 2020
- Author is based in the UK. APC is US$3639.

"Navigating Social Spaces: Armed Mobilization and Circular Return in Eastern DR Congo," Journal of Refugee Studies, Advance Articles, 5 Sept. 2020
- Three authors, with lead based in Belgium and co-authors in Democratic Rep. of Congo (1) and Belgium/Democratic Rep. of Congo (1). APC is US$3639.

"Research with Refugees in Fragile Political Contexts: How Ethical Reflections Impact Methodological Choices," Journal of Refugee Studies, Advance Articles, 4 Sept. 2020
- Author is based in Germany/Netherlands. APC is US$3639.

"Taking on the Categories, Terms and Worldviews of the Powerful: The Pitfalls of Trying to be Relevant," Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Latest Articles, 11 Aug. 2020
- Author is based in Norway. APC is US$2995.

Law Reviews

Note: These articles are considered Bronze Open Access, i.e., they are free-to-read but no other permissions are associated with them. Authors are based in the US unless otherwise indicated.


"Closeted or Credible: How Misinterpretation of the Real ID Act Prevents Closeted LGBTQ+ Applicants from Establishing Credible Asylum Claims," American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law, vol. 28, no. 2 (2020)

"Experimenting with Credibility in Refugee Adjudication: Gaydar," Canadian Journal of Human Rights, vol. 9, no. 1 (2020)
- Two authors, both based in Canada.

"A Framework for the Future of Climate Refugees," Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, vol. 34, no. 3 (Spring 2020)

"The New Migration Law: Migrants, Refugee, and Citizens in an Anxious Age," Cornell Law Review, vol. 105, no. 2 (2020)

Law review issues:

Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights, vol. IV (Oct. 2019)
- Theme of this issue is "Migrants’ Rights: Experiences from the Horn of Africa," with seven articles. Published by the Center for Human Rights at Addis Ababa Univ.

Related post:
- Open Access Round-up: 31 August 2020

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