28 September 2020

Regional Focus: Europe - Pt. 2

 Books & book chapters:

"How Clinical Legal Education is Crossing Borders?," Chapter in Epistemic Communities at the Boundaries of Law: Clinics as a Paradigm in the Revolution of Legal Education in the European Mediterranean Context (Ledizioni LediPublishing, 2019) [access]
- Scroll to p. 141.

Migration in West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean: Trends, risks, development and governance (IOM, 2020) [full-text]
- "This edited volume provides comprehensive evidence on migration from and within West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean. It highlights migrants’ agency and contribution to transnational development, as well as the inequalities that shape migration and the risks that migrants are exposed to. The volume is divided in four sections, dedicated to migration trends, risks, development and governance. The volume features contributions from different IOM offices, as well as from other international organisations, research institutions and civil society organisations."

"Regional Regimes: Europe," Chapter in Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law (Oxford Univ. Press, Forthcoming 2021) [preprint]

Journal articles:

"The Appeal of Civil Disobedience in the Central Mediterranean: German Responses to the June 2019 Mission of the Sea-Watch 3," Journal of Humanitarian Affairs, vol. 2, no. 1 (2020) [open access]

"The Common European Asylum System: Balancing Mutual Trust Against Fundamental Rights Protection," German Law Journal, vol. 21, no. 6 (Sept. 2020) [open access]

"Contesting language policy for asylum seekers in the Northern periphery: the story of Tailor F," Language Policy, Latest Articles, 16 Sept. 2020 [open access]

"Human Rights References in Norway’s Readmission Agreements: (How) Do They Protect?," Nordic Journal of Human Rights, vol. 38, no. 1 (2020) [open access]

"Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities: multi-level governance, multi-sector urban networks and local engagement," Comparative Migration Studies, 8:30 (Sept. 2020) [open access]
- Editorial for special collection of articles.

"Necropolitics and the Slow Violence of the Everyday: Asylum Seeker Welfare in the Postcolonial Present," Sociology, vol. 54, no. 1 (2020) [open access]

"The reception system for asylum seekers and refugees in Italy: a case of a new total institution?," Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Soziale Arbeit, vol. 2 (2020) [open access]

"Strangers in Hostile Lands: Exposure to Refugees and Right-Wing Support in Germany’s Eastern Regions," Comparative Political Studies, OnlineFirst, 13 Sept. 2020 [open access]

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