21 September 2020

Regional Focus: Americas

Blog posts & press:

Book Review: Deported to Death: How Drug Violence is Changing Migration on the US-Mexico Border (Border Criminologies Blog, Sept. 20202) [text]
- Study of "life after forced return in a deportee’s 'country of origin'."

Collaborative Approaches to Creating Community-Based Solutions (UNHCR Innovation Service, Sept. 2020) [text]
- "In Ecuador, three different projects show how engaging the community delivers meaningful results." 

Refugee Community Networks Help Detect COVID-19 in Ecuador (UNHCR, Sept. 2020) [text]

Reports & journal articles:

Defensa de los Derechos Humanos de los Migrantes y Refugiados: El Rol de las Organizaciones del Tercer Sector en Colombia y Ecuador
(Ediciones USTA, 2019) [open access]

A Global Crisis Requires a Global Response: Report by Hon Bob Rae, Special Envoy of Prime Minister of Canada on Humanitarian and Refugee Issues (Govt. of Canada, Aug. 2020) [text]

Immigration and Violent Crime: Evidence from the Colombia-Venezuela Border, Bravo Working Paper, no. 21 (Brown Univ., Aug. 2020) [text via SSRN]

"Migrantes o Refugiados? La Declaración de Cartagena y los Venezolanos en Brasil," Análisis Carolina, no. 9 (2020) [text]

People Movement in Mexico: How the COVID-19 Crisis is Interfacing with Migration and Displacement (ACAPS, Aug. 2020) [text via ReliefWeb]

People’s Pantry and Creating Inclusive Spaces for Migrants during the Pandemic, Spotlight on Migration, no. 3 (Ryerson Univ., Aug. 2020) [text]

Precarious Spaciality of Refugees in Brazil (SciELO Preprints, Sept 2020) [text]
- Note: The text of this article is in English and not Portuguese as the record indicates.

The Provision of Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Response to the Venezuela Refugee and Migrant Crisis: Findings and Lessons Learned (Cash Learning Partnership, Sept. 2020) [text via ReliefWeb]
- See also Spanish version.

"Regional Responses to Venezuela’s Mass Population Displacement," e-International Relations, 16 Sept. 2020 [open access]

'Safe' Countries and 'Fraudulent' Refugees: Tools for Narrowing Access to Canada’s Refugee System, Spotlight on Migration, no. 4 (Ryerson Univ., Aug. 2020) [text]

Situation of Venezuelans Who have Returned and are Trying to Return to Their Country in the Context of COVID-19 (OAS, Sept. 2020) [access]
- Follow link for both English and Spanish versions.

"Transformaciones en las Migraciones Contemporáneas en México (2000-2019): Acercamiento a las Violencias y Solicitudes de Refugio = Transformations in Contemporary Migrations in Mexico (2000-2019): An Approach to Violence and to the Process of Application for Asylum," Estudios Políticos, no. 58 (May/Aug. 2020) [open access]

Venezuelan Migration, Crime, and Misperceptions: A Review of Data from Colombia, Peru, and Chile (Migration Policy Institute, Sept. 2020) [text]
- See also Spanish version.


Esclareciendo el Panorama: Una mirada a los datos sobre migrantes y refugiados venezolanos en América Latina y el Caribe, Webinar, 27 Aug. 2020 [info]
- Follow link for video & audio recordings.

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