07 August 2024

Regional Focus: Europe


Seminar: The future of protection in the EU: Evidence to guide the implementation of the CEAS, Brussels, 12 September 2024 [info]

Short pieces:

Courts, strategic litigation on asylum law and the rule of law (RLI Blog, July 2024) [text]

How to Seek Access to Promulgated First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) Decisions (RLI Blog, Aug. 2024) [text]
- Focuses on the UK.

The Impact of Academic Work on Asylum and Immigration at the European Court of Human Rights (RLI Blog, Aug. 2024) [access]
- New blog series; read the first post for more information.

Irregular, not illegal: what the UK government’s language reveals about its new approach to immigration (The Conversation, July 2024) [text]

**For much more news and info on the latest developments, check out the ECRE Weekly Bulletin.**


Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023 (European Migration Network, July 2024) [access]
- Follow link for report, annex and summaries.

Asylum and Forced Displacement in the EU Enlargement Process: Contributions to inform the European Commission 2024 Enlargement Package in the area of asylum (ECRE, July 2024) [text]

Country Reports (AIDA, Aug. 2024) 
- See updated profiles for Romania and Türkiye.

Home Beyond the Home Office: Addressing Refugee Move-On Challenges in the Oxford Area (SOAS Univ. & Asylum Welcome, July 2024) [text]

Return and Reconstruction: How the EU Should Invest in Ukrainian Refugees (German Council on Foreign Relations. April 2024) [text]

Return migration of Ukrainians from the European Union to Ukraine, 2022–2024 (Univ. of Turku, July 2024) [text]

UK Home Office and UNHCR Quality Protection Partnership and Asylum Capacity Support Programme: End of Year Report (UNHCR, Aug. 2024) [text]

Journal articles:

"Crossing the border: EU membership assessment by Ukrainian refugees in early 2022," Political Research Exchange: An ECPR Journal, vol. 6, no 1 (2024) [open access]
- Focuses on Germany and Poland.

"European migration governance in the context of uncertainty," International Migration, Early View, 26 July 2024 [open access]

"Governance and obstacles in the reception and social and labour integration of asylum seekers in Spain," Oñati Socio-Legal Series, vol. 14, no. 4 (2024) [open access]

"The Principle of Solidarity and the Challenges of System and Social (Dis)Integration: In Anticipation of the New EU Rules on Migration and Asylum," EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series, vol. 8 (2024) [open access]

"Revolving Doors: How Externalization Policies Block Refugees and Deflect Other Migrants across Migration Routes," Population and Development Review, Early View, 23 July 2024 [open access]

"Why do states discriminate between refugee groups? Understanding how Syrian and Ukrainian refugees were framed in Germany and Poland," American Journal of Cultural Sociology, Latest Articles, 29 July 2024 [open access]

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