06 August 2024

Thematic Focus: Humanitarian Assistance


ALNAP: Accessing online libraries and databases for humanitarian learning [info]

ReliefWeb 2024 [info]
- The ReliefWeb team is seeking user feedback on the humanitarian platform in advance of its 30th anniversary. 

Short pieces: 

Principles under pressure: have humanitarian principles really stood the test of time? (Humanitarian Law & Policy Blog, July 2024) [text]

The tricky delivery of aid and access in conflicts and crises (The Interpreter Blog, July 2024) [text]

"Why these 10 humanitarian crises still demand your attention," The New Humanitarian, 17 July 2024 [text]

New open access book:

Care in a Time of Humanitarianism: Stories of Refuge, Aid, and Repair in the Global South (Berghahn Books, Aug 2024) [open access]
- "The vast majority of forced migrants & refugees seek shelter and respite in countries of the Global South, where humanitarian spaces and practices of care are no exceptions to international humanitarianism but rather part of a project founded on hybrid forms of care that include local and vernacular practices. Care in a Time of Humanitarianism presents complex histories of forced migration and humanitarianism in an accessible way. It applies a comparative approach to highlight the diverse cultural and religious traditions of care that are adopted across the Global South for the 'distant others'."


The Added Value of Faith Actors in Localisation: Opportunities and Barriers in Humanitarian Action (Samuel Hall & Islamic Relief, July 2024) [access]
- Follow link for executive summary and full report which "explores and analyses the unique contributions and challenges faced by faith actors (FAs) in humanitarian settings across Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Palestine, and Mozambique."

Catalogue of quality funding practices to the humanitarian response: A reference tool for policymakers and practitioners to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of programming, 2nd ed. (Norwegian Refugee Council & Development Initiatives, July 2024) [text]

Five Factors Driving Neglected Crises (Integral Alliance et al., July 2024) [access via ReliefWeb]
- Follow link for related documents and other language versions; see also French version.

Passing the Buck: The Economics of Localizing Aid in Ukraine (Refugees International & Share Trust, July 2024) [access]
- Available in English and Ukrainian.

Prioritizing Partnerships: Modelling an alternative international humanitarian response in the Ukraine crisis (Oxfam, July 2024) [text]

Protection Leadership: The Role of UNHCR in Humanitarian Crises (UNHCR, July 2024) [text]

Underfunded Report 2024: The implications of underfunding UNHCR's activities in 2024 (UNHCR, July 2024) [access]

Journal articles & book chapters:

Alternatives Humanitaires = Humanitarian Alternatives, no. 26 (2024)  [Eng. full-text] [Fr. full-text]
- Issue theme is "Humanitarian work today: an overview."

"Between aid and rights: Humanitarian international NGOs responding to the crisis of European refugee protection," Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Latest Articles, 9 July 2024 [open access]

"Envisioning the humanitarian-development-peace nexus in the Rohingya response in Bangladesh: Implementation challenges and suggestions for the future," Development Policy Review, Early View, 29 July 2024 [open access]

"Humanitarian Action: Does the Nordic Model Make a Difference?," Chapter in Nordic Peace in Question: A Region of and for Peace (Routledge, July 2024) [open access]

"Public discourse narratives: from ‘Secret Aid Worker’ discontent to shifting power in humanitarian systems," Disasters, Early View, 15 July 2024 [open access]

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