22 August 2024

Thematic Focus: Solutions

Short pieces:

Australia Draws Closer to Milestone of 1 Million Refugee Arrivals Since World War II (RCOA, May 2024) [text]

The Consultations on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways (RCOA, Aug. 2024) [text]


Number of refugees needing resettlement increases to 2.9 million (Refugee Council of Australia, Aug. 2024) [text]

Promoting Refugee Integration and Inclusion: Empowering Municipalities Across Europe (UNHCR, Aug. 2024) [text]

U.S. Legal Pathways for Mexican and Central American Immigrants, by the Numbers (Migration Policy Institute, Aug. 2024) [text]

‘We are family!’ The kinship between individual cosponsor and sponsored refugee(s) and its impact on mental health service uptake, RLI Working Paper, no. 71 (Refugee Law Initiative, May 2024) [text]
- Focuses on Canada.

Journal articles:

"Multifaceted Hospitality: The Micro-Dynamics of Host–Guest Relations in Polish Homes after 24 February 2022," Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 13, no. 1 (2024) [open access]

"Organizing Integration of Refugees: Translation and Hybridization," Journal of Organizational Sociology, Ahead of Print, 6 Aug. 2024 [open access]
- Focuses on Sweden.

"Policy variation and refugee integration: a natural experiment comparing the effects of local integration programs," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 31 July 2024 [open access]
- Focuses on Syrians in The Netherlands.

"Public libraries’ role in supporting Ukrainian refugees: A focus on Hungary and Poland," Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, OnlineFirst, 7 Aug. 2024 [open access]

"Refugee Resettlement and Preferences," Political Studies (Forthcoming) [postprint]
- Focuses on Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

"Resettlement Knowledge: The Expertise of Service Providers," Refugee Survey Quarterly, Advance Articles, 10 Aug. 2024 [open access]
- Focuses on the US.

"The Rohingya repatriation myth: why repatriation from Bangladesh to Myanmar is (nigh) impossible," Development in Practice, vol. 34, no. 5 (2024) [free full-text]

"Ukrainian Refugees’ Differentiated Treatment: A Critical and Systematic Review," Global Networks, Early View, 7 Aug. 2024 [open access]

"What Does Integration Mean in a Multicultural Country like Canada?," Migration Information Source, 9 Aug. 2024 [text]

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