23 August 2024

Thematic Focus: Work/Economic Aspects - Pt. 1

Short pieces:

Data-driven support for refugee self-reliance in East, Horn and Great Lakes of Africa (UNHCR Blog, July 2024) [text]

"Niger tries a new refugee model as Nigerians flee bandit attacks," The New Humanitarian, 1 Aug. 2024 [text]


Assessing the Impact of Financial Capabilities Services for Newly Arrived Humanitarian Migrants (International Rescue Committee, July 2024) [text]
- Focuses on the US.

Assessment of Viable Economic Activities for People Affected by Displacement in the Northern Rayons of Moldova, Ocnita, Briceni, and Soroca Districts (Norwegian Refugee Council, Aug. 2024) [text]

Can Redistribution Change Policy Views? Aid and Attitudes toward Refugees (Center for Global Development, updated Aug. 2024) [text]
- Note: "We study a Ugandan policy that redistributes 30 percent of foreign aid for refugees to Ugandans while allowing refugees to work and move freely."

Migrant and Refugee Women: A National Study of Experiences of, Understandings of and Responses to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (ANROWS, Aug. 2024) [access]
- Focuses on Australia. Follow link for summary and report.

State of the Ugandan Refugee Finance Sector (Mercy Corps, March 2024) [text via UNHCR]
- See also related post on Medium.

Through the Gender Lens: Investigating the Impact of Gender on the Financial Lives of Displaced Communities (Mercy Corps, Aug. 2024) [access]
- Focuses on Africa. Follow link for report and recording of related webinar.

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