18 July 2024

New Issues of Comp. Migr. Stud., Disasters, Dve Domo., GILJ, Hum. Exch., Hum. Leader, JEMS, JIMI, Pol. Q., Polish J. Educ. Stud., Soc. Res., Zarch

Comparative Migration Studies [open access]
- Special collection on "The Ethics of Migration Policy Dilemmas."

Disasters, vol. 48, no. S1 (July 2024) [contents]
- Special issue on "Local knowledge as the basis of disaster management and humanitarian assistance," with a focus on China, Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Six articles are open access.

Dve Domovini = Two Homelands, no. 59 (2024) [open access]
- Special issue on "Labor Migration in Ukraine and the Post-Soviet Space."

Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, vol. 38, no. 2 (Winter 2024) [full-text]
- Mix of articles.

Humanitarian Exchange, no. 85 (June 2024) [full-text]
- Issue theme is "Women-led organisations in humanitarian response."

The Humanitarian Leader, vol. 6, no. 1 (Feb. 2024) [open access]
- Mix of articles.

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 50, no. 13 (2024) [contents]
- Special issue on "Arts-based approaches, migration and violence: intersectional and creative perspectives." The introduction is freely available and five articles are open access.

Journal of International Migration and Integration [contents]
- Special collection on "Claiming time: refugees and asylum seekers dealing with the production of different temporal regimes by politics of asylum and reception." The editorial is freely available and four articles are open access.

Journal of International Migration and Integration, vol. 25, no. 2 (June 2024) [contents]
- Mix of articles, with nine that are open access.

The Political Quarterly, vol. 95, no. 2 (2024) [open access/free full-text]
- Features a sub-section on "Immigration and Asylum Policy After Brexit."

Polish Journal of Educational Studies, vol. 75, no. 1 (Dec. 2023) [open access]
- Special issue on "Children, youth and adults in the context of migration, refugeeism, and war trauma—challenges and tasks of education."

Social Research: An International Quarterly, vol. 91, no. 2 (Summer 2024) [contents]
- "As many of our regular readers know, Social Research was launched in 1934 by the University in Exile scholars who were brought out of Germany to the New School in 1933 as Hitler was consolidating his power. How better to celebrate this than by organizing an issue on exile? ...Some of the pieces in this issue look at exile forced by war and political persecution. Some reflect on the difference between being an exile and being a refugee, and one in particular argues that a new vocabulary is needed."

ZARCH Journal, no. 22 (2024) [open access]
- Features thematic dossier on "Entre la permanencia y la temporalidad. Campos, urbanidad y tiempo."

Tagged Periodicals.

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