01 July 2024

News: New Climate Displacement Resource

A new study has been published as part of UNHCR's Legal and Protection Policy Research Series

Protection of Persons Displaced Across Borders in the Context of Disasters and the Adverse Effects of Climate Change: A Review of Literature, Legislation and Case Law to Support the Implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees (June 2024) [text]

Here's a description of its objective:

"This review of relevant literature, legislation, and case law aims to identify relevant good practices to provide international protection based on international and regional refugee and human rights law or to provide admission and stay based on migration law to persons displaced across borders in the context of disasters and adverse effects of climate change who do not or are unable to apply for international protection. Rather than purporting to be comprehensive, it focuses on particularly illustrative academic studies, reports, legislation, and case law. The resulting compilation attempts to provide relevant information in an accessible form to support the development of guidance about how to adequately address protection challenges in the context of disaster- and climate change-related displacement."

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