25 July 2024

Regional Focus: Africa

Short pieces:

Ghana: Expelling People Fleeing Conflict in Burkina Faso (Immigration Detention Monitor, June 2024) [text]

"In Sudan, host families take the strain of the world’s largest displacement crisis," The New Humanitarian, 23 July 2024 [text]

Refugees in Eastern Sudan at Risk: International Organizations Should Act to Provide Safe Evacuation Options (HRW Dispatch, July 2024) [text]

Sudanese Refugee Lawyers Empowering communities in Chad (UNHCR, July 2024) [text]

Supporting refugee self-reliance in East, Horn and Great Lakes of Africa: The role of data (Data Blog, July 2024) [text]

New open access book:

Refugee Reception in Southern Africa: National and Local Policies in Zambia and South Africa
(Univ. of London Press, July 2024) [open access]
- "It is no longer realistic (if it ever was) to understand persons who flee across a border as a homogeneous group whose movement abruptly ends once they arrive in a host state or refugee camp. Through a comparative analysis of the politics surrounding the welcome afforded to refugees, this book offers an original perspective on refugee hosting in Southern Africa. Using the cases of Zambia and South Africa, the book explores why some countries maintain encampment reception policies for refugees, and others use more liberal ‘free settlement’ approaches, whereby refugees are granted freedom of movement and permitted to settle in cities and towns. While state-based reception is frequently framed as one-off moments, such as registration, Refugee Reception in Southern Africa examines reception as a complex and ongoing process of negotiations between refugees and state, with reception policies vital in shaping a refugee’s ability to settle and engage with local communities and labour markets."

Reports & journal articles:

Asylum and Protection Mercenarism: Effects of European Externalisation on African Migration Governance (Externalizing Asylum, July 2024) [text]

"The ‘Coronavirus Crisis’ and xenophobia in South Africa: How did the pandemic affect anti-immigrant sentiment?," International Migration, Early View, 9 July 2024 [open access]

Forced Displacement Survey: South Sudan 2023 (UNHCR, July 2024) [text]
- See also related press release.

"Liminal legality and the construction of belonging: aspirations of Eritrean and Ethiopian migrants in Khartoum," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 9 July 2024 [open access]

"Migration Interrupted: Can Stranded Migrants from Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan Rebuild Their Lives upon Return?," Migration Information Source, 17 July 2024 [text]

UNHCR Position on Returns to South Sudan, Update IV (UNHCR, May 2024) [text]

A War on People: The Human Cost of Conflict and Violence in Sudan (Médecins Sans Frontières, July 2024) [access]

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