03 July 2024

Thematic Focus: General

Short pieces:

A century of mobility: A glimpse into the history of refugee travel documents (UNHCR Blog, June 2024) [text]

Displaced and disregarded: understanding the experiences of people in displacement (ODI Insights, June 2024) [text]

"From conflict to climate, displacement hits a new high," DW, 20 June 2024 [text]

The journey to build a new open data finder on forced displacement that includes thematic data (UNHCR Blog, June 2024) [text]

Seeking asylum during COVID-19 and what it means today: How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect people’s ability to seek asylum? (UNHCR Dataviz, April 2024) [access]

Two-year anniversary of the UN Secretary-General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement - Joint Statement by Principals of the UN Steering Group on Solutions to Internal Displacement: IOM, OCHA, UNDP, UNDPO, UNDPPA, UNICEF and UNHCR (June 2024) [text]

Reports & journal articles:

90th meeting of the Standing Committee, Geneva, 1-3 July 2024 [access]
- Follow link for documents and information on side events.

Alert 2024! Report on conflicts, human rights and peacebuilding (Escola de Cultura de Pau, July 2024) [text via ReliefWeb]
- Also available in Spanish.

"Discrimination and Civic Engagement of Immigrants in Western Societies. A Systematic Scoping Review," Journal of International Migration and Integration, Latest Articles, 26 June 2024 [open access]

Global Report 2023 (UNHCR, June 2024) [access]
- Follow link for the full report and summaries in English and French. The companion page provides multiple options to access different sections of the report.

"'Intimacy as method': Ethnographic reflections on equitable knowledge production in migration research," Migration Studies, vol. 12, no. 3 (Sept. 2024) [open access]

Partnership in Action: UNDP and UNHCR Cooperation on Forced Displacement and Statelessness (UNDP, June 2024) [text]


Five Years Later: Measuring the Outcomes of the Global Compact for Migration, 3 June 2024 [access]

"Learning from the future: Foresight for the next decade of forced migration," Keynote address at the Kaldor Centre Conference 2023, 20 Nov. 2023 [access]

Mapping Global Human Mobility in an Increasingly Complex World, 25 April 2024 [access]

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