12 July 2024

Regional Focus: Europe - Pt. 1

Short pieces:

Are asylum seekers in the UK at increased risk of suicide? (Univ. of Glasgow, June 2024) [text]

As Hungary takes over Presidency of European Union, UNHCR calls for strengthened engagement to address forced displacement (UNHCR, July 2024) [text]

Joint Statement: The future EU must uphold the right to asylum in Europe (July 2024) [access]

Latest European demographic data sheet highlights lasting impact of war and migration (IIASA, July 2024) [text via EurekAlert]
- Focuses on Ukraine.

New UK Government Rescinds 'Rwanda Plan' But Cruel System Remains (Refugee Research Online, July 2024) [text

The Pact’s Practice: Perspectives from the ground – a Fenix series (Fenix, July 2024) [text via ReliefWeb]
- Focuses on Greece. The first post is here.

Refugees trapped in Europe’s “death zone”: Needs and challenges of the local organisations providing humanitarian assistance at the Polish-Belarusian border (Norwegian Refugee Council, July 2024) [text]

Safe Third Countries: The Next ‘Battlefield’ (EU Immigration & Asylum Law & Policy Blog, July 2024) [text]

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Russian Emigration in Flux (Carnegie Politika Blog, July 2024) [text]

The UK Asylum System in Disbelief: The Obstacle of a Negative Credibility Assessment in Fresh Claims Proceedings (RLI Blog, July 2024) [text]

UNHCR Moldova signed a Memorandum of Collaboration with Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University of Chisinau (UNHCR, July 2024) [text]

Unmasking state-perpetrated crimes during migration control – a new face of crimmigration (Border Criminologies Blog, July 2024) [text]

**For much more news and info on the latest developments, check out the ECRE Weekly Bulletin.**

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