14 December 2011

Focus on Children



'Best Interests of the Child' as a Uniting Principle for Citizenship (Oecumene Blog, Dec. 2011) [text]

Consultative Meeting: "Challenges faced by young refugees and asylum seekers in accessing their social rights and their integration, while in transition to adulthood," Strasbourg, 17‐18 November 2011 [info] [mapping study]

Core Standards for Guardians of Separated Children in Europe: Goals for Guardians and Authorities (Defence for Children et al., 2011) [text via Refworld]

"Lost in Doctrine: Particular Social Group, Child Soldiers, and the Failure of U.S. Asylum Law to Protect Exploited Children," Florida State University Law Review, vol. 38, no. 3 (Spring 2011) [full-text]

Review of Current Laws, Policies and Practices relating to Age Assessment in Sixteen European Countries (Separated Children in Europe Programme, May 2011) [text]

"Therapy with Unaccompanied Refugees and Asylum-seeking Minors," Today’s Children are Tomorrow’s Parents, nos. 30-31 (2011?) [full-text]

Upcoming event:

Unprotected Unaccompanied Children in Europe: Which Reasons Lead to Their Lack of Protection? Poitiers, 23-24 October 2012 [info]
- Stay tuned for a CFP.

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