05 December 2011

Web Resources

Cablegate [access]
- Tool created to facilitate access to Wikileaks' cables.

Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers [access]
- New association established to "serve as an informed national voice on refugee law and human rights, and promote just and consistent practices in the treatment of refugees across Canada."

Migratory [access]
- "An online inventory of sources on migration in Europe, Central Asia and North America."

(non)Citizens of the World [access]
- "A blog about stateless people, undocumented migrants, and refugees."

Protracted Refugee Situations [access]
- Web site created as part of the "Unlocking crises of protracted displacement for refugees and internally displaced persons" research project.

Refugee Consortium of Kenya [access]
- Re-vamped web site for this legal aid and policy development centre.

RSC Resource DVD [info]
- Free DVD that includes all RSC publications available at the time of production.

Support to the UNHCR's State Pledges Process [access]
- Compiled by the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC); listing of key RSC resources organized thematically to assist States with their thinking about issues that will be raised at the upcoming Ministerial-level Meeting in Geneva.

World Migration Map [access]
- Data tool created by Migration Policy Institute to help analyze origins and destinations of international migrants.

Tagged Web Sites/Tools.

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