13 May 2013

Thematic Focus: Climate Change/Disasters

Global Estimates 2012: People Displaced by Disasters is a newly-released report from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC).  It finds that "98% of all displacement in 2012 [an estimated 32.4 million people] was related to climate- and weather-related events... ."  Follow the link to access the text of the report, a press release, global estimates highlights, and a map.

Other recent publications:

Climate Change, Environmental Degradation, and Migration, Commission Staff Working Document, no. SWD(2013) 138 final (European Commission, April 2013) [text]

CRED Crunch, no. 31 (March 2013) [full-text]
- Provides data for natural disasters in 2012.

Measuring Disasters' Full Impact (Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement, May 2013) [access]

"Wet Feet Marching: Climate Justice and Sustainable Development for Climate Displaced Nations in the South Pacific," Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 14, no. 1 (2012) [full-text]

Where the Sea has Risen too High Already (IPS, April 2013) [text]

New web site:

The Nansen Initiative: Disaster-induced Cross-border Displacement [access]
- "The Nansen Initiative is a state-led, bottom-up consultative process intended to build consensus on how to address the needs of people displaced across international borders in the context of slow- and sudden-onset natural disasters, including the adverse effects of climate change."  Note the emphasis on "cross-border" not internal displacement (see FAQs for more info.).  The first round of regional consultations is due to take place in the Cook Islands, on 21-24 May 2013.  Follow the link for a background paper, concept note, desk review, agenda, and participants' list.

Tagged Events & Opportunities, Publications and Web Sites/Tools. 

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