01 November 2020

Open Access Round-up: 31 October 2020

 Below is a listing of Open Access literature that I have referenced on this blog since 15 October 2020. If you are not familiar with Open Access, please visit my other blog for an introduction.

See also this list for a quick look at different types of Open Access.

Green Open Access [info]

"Climate-Induced Migration: Will Tribunals Save the Day?," Hong Kong Journal of Law and Public Affairs, vol. 2, no. 2 (2020)
- Preprint version of article.
- Two authors, both based in the UK.

Diamond/Gold Open Access [info]

Note: The APC amount indicated is as of this writing; may vary depending on type of submission and may also be subject to change. Waiver status of authors is unknown.


"Challenges Faced by Rohingya Refugees in the COVID-19 Pandemic," Annals of Global Health, vol. 86, no. 1 (2020)
- Two authors, with lead based in Bangladesh and co-author in Mauritius. APC is US$1300.

"Cuando las Personas se Vuelven 'Mercancías': Respuestas Jurídicas para Luchar a Favor de las Víctimas y Contra las Mafias que Trafican en el Mediterráneo," Oñati Socio-Legal Series, vol. 10, no. 4 (2020)
- Author is based in Spain. No APC.

"El Elemento Situacional de Violación Masiva de Derechos Humanos de la Definición Ampliada de Cartagena: Hacia una Aplicación en el Caso Venezolano," Revista Chilena de Derecho, vol. 47, no. 2 (2020)
- Three authors, all based in Peru. No APC indicated.

"Health of Refugees and Migrants from Former Soviet Union Countries in the Russian Federation: A Narrative Review," International Journal for Equity in Health, 19:180 (Oct. 2020)
- Eight authors, all based in Russia. APC is US$2680.

The Impact of Social Adjustment Policy on Syrian Refugees,” Journal of International Studies, vol. 13, no. 2 (2020)
- Author is based in the United Arab Emirates. No APC.

"Jouer le Jeu? Les Palestiniens du Liban, entre Marginalisation Sociale et 'Rhétorique de l’Officiel'," Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée, no. 147 (Oct. 2020)
- Author is based in Switzerland/Lebanon. No APC.

"The Joy of Having a Book in Your Own Language: Home Language Books in a Refugee Education Centre," Education Sciences, vol. 10, no. 9 (Sept. 2020)
- Two authors, both based in New Zealand. APC is 1000 CHF.

"Poverty and Precarious Employment: The Case of Rohingya Refugee Construction Workers in Peninsular Malaysia," Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 7:120 (Oct. 2020)
- Three authors, all based in Malaysia. APC is US$1160.

"Transition in Occupations of Refugees During Resettlement," Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, vol. 8, no. 4 (2020) 
- Five authors, all based in the US. APC for lead author is US$300 and for each co-author is US$100.

"Well-Being without Employment? Promoting the Employability of Refugees," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17, no. 21 (Oct. 2020)
- Four authors, all based in Spain. APC is 2300 CHF.

Journal issues:

Historia y Sociedad, no. 39 (July-Dec. 2020)
- Includes dossier on "Desplazamientos, desposesión y violencias," with seven articles in Spanish and one in Portuguese.

Journal of Alpine Research = Revue de Géographie Alpine, no. 108-2 (2020)  
- Themed issue on "Refugié·es et montagne = Refugees and Mountain," with seven articles 

Journal of Refugee & Global Health, vol. 3, no. 1 (2020) 
- Mix of five articles, with two focusing on refugees and health in the US.

Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, vol. 36, no. 1 (2020)
- This is a delayed open access journal. Features thematic dossier on "Situations de violence et migration," with eight articles.

Hybrid Open Access [info]

"Are the Problems and Motives Clear Enough? A Study on the Placement of Unaccompanied Asylum-seeking Minors at Compulsory Care Institutions in Sweden," Journal of Refugee Studies, Advance Articles, 27 Oct. 2020
- Five authors, all based in Sweden. APC is US$3639.

"Challenges in Founding and Developing Medical School Student-Run Asylum Clinics," Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, Latest Articles, 21 Oct. 2020
- Eight authors, all based in the US. APC is US$3260.

"Climate Change, Migration, and Civil Strife," Current Environmental Health Reports, Latest Articles, 13 Oct. 2020
- Three authors, all based in the US. APC is US$3260.

"Do Austrian Programmes Facilitate Labour Market Integration of Refugees?," International Migration, Early View, 21 Oct. 2020 
- Five authors, with the lead and 3 co-authors based in Austria and 1 co-author in Germany. APC is US$2500.

"Do No Harm? The Impact of Policy on Migration Scholarship," Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, OnlineFirst, 23 Oct. 2020
- Author is based in the UK. APC is US$3000.

"Failed Promise of Equality: Iranian Women’s Integration in the Netherlands," International Migration, Early View, 15 Oct. 2020
Author is based in the Netherlands. APC is US$2500.

"Geographical Trajectories of Refugees in Sweden: Uncovering Patterns and Drivers of Inter-regional (Im)mobility," Journal of Refugee Studies, Advance Articles, 23 Oct. 2020
- Two authors, both based in Sweden. APC is US$3639.

"How Useful is the Concept of Transit Migration in an Intra-Schengen Mobility Context? Diving into the Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking Nexus in Search for Answers," European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Latest Articles, 11 Oct. 2020
- Author is based in the Netherlands. APC is US$2750.

"Linking Migration Aspirations to Integration Prospects: The Experience of Syrian Refugees in Sweden," Journal of Refugee Studies, Advance Articles, 8 Oct, 2020
Two authors, both based in the Netherlands. APC is US$3639.

"Local Identity and the Reception of Refugees: The Example of Riace," Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, vol. 27, no. 5 (2020)
- Two authors, both based in the Netherlands. APC is US$2995.

"Measuring Global Bystander Intervention and Exploring Its Antecedents for Helping Refugees," British Journal of Psychology, Early View, 6 Oct. 2020 
- Two authors, both based in the UK. APC is US$3000.

"The Politics of Exhaustion and the Externalization of British Border Control: An Articulation of a Strategy Designed to Deter, Control and Exclude," International Migration, Early View, 12 Oct. 2020
- Author is based in the UK. APC is US$2500.

- Author is based in Sweden. APC is US$2500.

"Refugees, Identity, and the Limits to Inclusion: Revisiting Landlord-Stranger Reciprocity Relations in Contemporary Liberia," African Studies Review, vol. 63, no. 3 (Sept. 2020)
- Author is based in Germany. APC is US$2980.

Law Reviews

Note: These articles are considered Bronze Open Access, i.e., they are free-to-read but no other permissions are associated with them.

"Asilo, Refugio y Protección Subsidiaria," Anuario Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional, no. 24 (2019-2020) 
- Author is based in Argentina.

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