18 November 2020

Regional Focus: Africa - Pt. 1

Blog posts & press:

The Advocates’ Migration Brief Paper Series (Scalabrini Inst. for Human Mobility in Africa) [info]
- The aim of this series is to provide "cutting edge reflections on current jurisprudence in South Africa relating to migrants [to] hopefully help both clarify the law and assist in insuring justice, dignity and equality for migrants in the legal system." Watch for the first paper sometime in November. 

Aid Urgently Needed for Ethiopians Streaming into Sudan (UNHCR, Nov. 2020) [text]
- See also related news briefing.

*Migration Management: The Antithesis of Refugee Protection – The Case of South Africa (Asile Project Forum, Oct. 2020) [text]

Study Sheds Light on How South Africa Can Best Tackle Prejudice against Migrants (The Conversation, Nov. 2020) [text]

Journal articles:

"The Challenges of Protecting Refugees in Mixed Migration, vis-à-vis the Application of Articles 1F and 31 of the Refugee Convention," Obiter Law Journal, vol. 41, no. 2 (2020) [abstract]
- *Updated note: This journal is in the process of being converting to open access, and once that has happened, it will be hosted on ASSAf’s Khulisa Journals platform. So for now, the link above leads to a paywalled version of the article, but copies can be requested from the future host.

"Exploring the Mental Health and Psychosocial Problems of Congolese Refugees Living in Refugee Settings in Rwanda and Uganda: A Rapid Qualitative Study," Conflict and Health, 14:77 (Nov. 2020) [open access]

"Senegalesische Corona-Songs als Sensibilisierungs- undInformationsquelle für wolofsprachige Geflüchtete und Migrant*innen," Z'Flucht: Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, vol. 4, no. 1 (2020) [open access]
- See also related FluchtforschungsBlog post.


"The Future of Refugee Management in the Great Lakes Region," 4th Regional Conference on Forced Migration, 9-11 Nov. 2020 
- Here are the programmes for day 2 and day 3. Access five video recordings of the sessions via the Refugee Law Project's Youtube page.


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