30 November 2020

Round-up: OA Articles Published by Global South Authors (30 Nov. 2020)

Following on from the blog series I shared earlier this month, I will be posting more regular round-ups of open access journal articles produced by authors based in the global South (GS) and other geographic areas that are less well-represented in the domain of scholarly forced migration literature. This new focus will replace the more general OA round-ups that I have been posting on a bi-monthly basis.  

As I am particularly interested in how GS authors make their work openly available to readers, I will organize references by type of open access (see a list of types here). In this first round-up, none happen to be green or hybrid OA.

The OA articles in this listing were previously referenced on this blog as of 13 November 2020. 

Bronze OA:

"Climate Change and Migration: Dialogues with Community Stakeholders in Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan," Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration, no. 55 (2020) 
- Scroll to p. 27.
- Author = Pakistan

"Mapping Vulnerabilities in Bangladesh: An Indicative Report Based on Household Surveys and Stakeholders’ Dialogues," Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration, no. 55 (2020)
- Scroll to p. 51.
- Author = Bangladesh

"Refoulement as a Corollary of Hate: Private Actors and International Refugee Law," Virginia Journal of International Law Online, vol. 61 (2020)
- Author = India

"A Social Mapping of Displacement in India," Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration, no. 55 (2020) 
- Scroll to p. 5.
- Author = India

Diamond OA:

-  Note: This journal is in the process of being converting to open access, and once that has happened, it will be hosted on ASSAf’s Khulisa Journals platform. For now, though, the link above leads to a paywalled version of the article, but copies can be requested from the future host.
- Author = Nigeria/South Africa

"Faith-based Organizations: Humanitarian Mission or Religious Missionary," Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 5:13 (Oct. 2020) 
- Author = United Arab Emirates

"How are Refugees Affected by Brazilian Responses to COVID-19?," Revista de Administração Pública, vol. 54, no. 5 (Sept./Oct. 2020) 
- Author = Brazil

"Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes en Contexto de Migración Forzada: Aportes de Organizaciones Sociales en Prevención de la Separación Familiar," Revista Venezolana de Estudios de la Mujer, vol. 25, no. 54 (Jan.-July 2020)
- Author = Venezuela

- Author = Venezuela

- Authors (2) = Argentina

"Right to Justice and Legal Aid Barriers to the Vulnerable Non-citizens in Malaysia," Geografia: Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, vol. 16, no. 1 (2020) 
- Authors (2) = Malaysia

"Smuggling of Rohingyas from Myanmar to Malaysia: A Threat to Human Security," Akademika, vol. 90, no. 3 (2020) 
- Authors (2) = Malaysia

Gold OA:

- Authors (13) = Rwanda (4), Uganda (4); Switzerland (1), UK (4 - including lead author)
- APC is US$2490.

"Intersecting Social Structures and Human Actors: Ganfoso Refugees’ Settling Experiences and Impact on Children’s Education," Comparative Migration Studies, 8:43 (Oct. 2020) 
- Author = Ghana
- APC is US$1180.

"Interventions Supporting the Integration of Refugee Children in the Primary School Life: Roles of the Child’s Contexts of Development," Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, vol. 16, no. 1 (2020)
- Authors (2) = South Africa
- APC is 1114 ZAR.

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