03 February 2015

News: New UNHCR Statistical Yearbook

UNHCR's Statistical Yearbook 2013 is now available.  Here is a breakdown of the various chapters, taken from the Introduction:
"This Yearbook has seven main chapters. Chapter I provides detailed description of the sources and methods used to collect and compile these data. ...The recorded figure of 51.2 million individuals by the end of 2013 requires further examination of the various population categories. Chapter II therefore analyses the overall trends and levels of forcibly displaced persons worldwide, with particular emphasis on the reporting period. In addition, this chapter examines the origins and main destinations of forcibly displaced persons. ...Chapter III examines trends and levels of persons falling under UNHCR’s statelessness mandate. ...In Chapter IV, the various options for durable solutions open to refugees are presented, including discussion on the general patterns of voluntary repatriation of refugees. ...Chapter V provides a statistical anal - ysis of both asylum applications and the components of the process of refugee status determination. ...Chapter VI examines the demographic and location characteristics of persons of concern. The analysis centres on age, sex, and locations of refugees by the end of 2013. ...Finally, Chapter VII focuses on ‘open statistics’, an increasingly popular term and idea today, including in the humanitarian context."

The publication is provided in separate chapter PDFs and as one complete zip file.

This is the 13th edition of the yearbook.  All other editions can be accessed here.

Tagged Publications. 

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