30 June 2024

Round-up: OA Articles Published by Global South Authors (30 June 2024)

This is a round-up of open access materials produced by authors based in the Global South (GS) and other geographic areas that are less well-represented in the domain of scholarly forced migration literature. Generally, articles are included if either the lead author or at least half of the co-authors are based in the GS. These references are organized by type of open access. The OA items herein were previously referenced on either this blog or the Forced Migration Library blog as of 30 June 2024.

Authors of the OA materials listed below are encouraged to deposit their work in the Forced Migration Research Archive (FMRA)! The submission form and guidelines are available on FMRA's website.

Bronze OA: 

"Aux marges du 'développement', les espaces discrets du contrôle migratoire: Quand le 'panafricanisme entrepreneurial' fait frontière en Tunisie" Cahiers d’Études africaines, no. 254 (2024) 
- Note: This is a delayed access journal; the full-text will be freely available after two years.
- Author = Tunisia

"Circumventing Undocumented-ness: Ethnic Migrants Along the Thai-Burma Border Pursue Multiple Mobilities," Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, no. 38 (2024) 
- Author = Thailand

- Authors (2) = Ethiopia

"Décourager les départs? Acteurs, ambivalences et réceptions de la dissuasion migratoire en Afrique,” Cahiers d’études africaines, no. 254 (2024) 
- Note: This is a delayed access journal; the full-text will be freely available after two years.
- Authors (3) = Tunisia (lead), France (1), France/Senegal (1)

- Author = Costa Rica

- Author = Thailand

"'Quand la radio met sur le droit chemin': campagnes de sensibilisation et lutte contre la migration en Casamance au Sénégal," Cahiers d’études africaines, no. 254 (2024) 
- Note: This is a delayed access journal; the full-text will be freely available after two years.
- Author = Senegal

Diamond OA:

"Female Refugees: The Most Vulnerable of the Vulnerable, According to the Theory of Social Reproduction," Cadernos EBAPE.BR, vol. 22, no. 2 (2024)
- Authors (2) = Brazil

"Hopeful Futures for Refugees in Higher Education: Cultivation, Activation, and Technology," International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 21:38 (June 2024)
- Authors (5) = UK (2, incl. lead), Uganda (3)

"Multiple Encounters: Queer Migrants and Bureaucratic Violence," Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, vol. 39, no. 2 (2023)
- Authors (2) = Brazil

"Quality of Life of Venezuelan Migrants in Brazil during the COVID-19 Pandemic," CSP: Cadernos de saúde pública, 40(6): e00147423 (June 2024)
- Authors (4) = Brazil (3, incl. lead), Canada (1)

- Author = Mexico

"Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024: Inside the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024 - Highlighting the Grey Zones," Cahiers de l'EDEM, no. 5 (May 2024)
- Author = Rwanda

Gold OA:

Note: Article processing charges (APCs) and other fees are indicated below; waivers are generally offered by gold OA journals but the waiver status of the authors listed below is unknown.

"Climate-induced Migration in the Global South: An In Depth Analysis," npj Climate Action, 3:47 (June 2024)
- Authors (8) = Saudi Arabia (3, incl. lead), US (1), Japan (2), Bangladesh (2)
- APC = USD 1290

"A Conceptual Framework on Pre-and Post-Displacement Stressors: The Case of Syrian Refugees," Frontiers in Public Health, 25 April 2024
- Authors (3) = Lebanon
- APC = USD  2095

"Gender, Culture, and Migration: A Qualitative Study of the Socioeconomic Challenges Facing Afghan Women Refugees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan," African Journal of Reproductive Health, vol. 28, no. 5 (2024) 
- Authors (6) = China (5, incl. lead), Pakistan (1)
- APC = USD 500

"Integrating Syrian Refugees into Lebanon’s Healthcare System 2011–2022: A Mixed-method Study," Conflict and Health, 18:43 (May 2024)
- Authors (9) = Lebanon (7, incl. lead), US (1), Lebanon/Canada (1)
- APC = USD 3190

"Mapping Cooperation: Insights into Colombia's Humanitarian Response to Migration from Venezuela," Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 21 Feb. 2024
- Authors (4) = Colombia (2, incl. lead), US (2)
- APC = USD 1285

"Prevalence and Predictors of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among Refugees in Egypt," Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, vol. 99 (June 2024)
- Authors (5) = Egypt
- APC = USD 2190 (after 1 May 2024)

Green OA:

Note: Depositing postprint versions of journal articles in the Forced Migration Research Archive (FMRA) is a cost-free way to provide open access to your work. The submission form and guidelines are available on FMRA's website.

"From Hospitality to Hostility: Impact of the Rohingya Refugee Influx on the Sentiments of Host Communities," Economic Development and Cultural Change, Just Accepted, 1 April 2024 
- Preprint version posted on Nagoya Univ. website 
- Authors (6) = Japan (4, incl. lead), Bangladesh (2)

Hybrid OA:

"Between Informality and (Il)legality: Congolese Migrants’ Survival Mechanisms in South Africa," ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 709, no. 1 (Sept. 2023)
- Author = South Africa
- APC = USD 3250

"Realising the Right to Primary Education for Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children in Cameroon: Appraising the Legal Framework, Compliance and Challenges," Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, Latest Articles, 10 June 2024
- Authors (2) = South Africa
- APC = ZAR 8258

"Research Co-production within Humanitarian Health: Reflections on Our Practice," International Review of Qualitative Research, OnlineFirst, 24 March 2024
- Authors (2) = UK (lead), Lebanon (1)
- APC = USD 3200

"Spatialities of Shabaab: Exploring the Intersections of Lifestage, Space and Mobility amongst Refugee Young People in Urban Jordan," Children's Geographies, Latest Articles, 8 June 2024
- Authors (3) = UK (lead), Jordan (2)
- APC = USD 2990

Books/Book chapters:

"Asylum Seeking as Survival Strategy: The Narratives of Indonesian Work Seekers in Japan," Chapter in Refugees and Asylum Seekers in East Asia: Perspectives from Japan and Taiwan (Springer, June 2024) 
- Authors (2) = Indonesia (lead), Japan (1)

"South Sudanese Refugees and Community Schools in Cairo: A Home Away from Home," Chapter in Cairo Securitized: Reconceiving Urban Justice and Social Resilience (AUC Press, Jan. 2024)
- Preprint version posted in Academia.edu
- Authors (2) = Austria (lead), Egypt (1)

"Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Consequences for Egyptian Migrant Workers," Chapter in Public Policy in the Arab World: Responding to Uprisings, Pandemic, and War (Edward Elgar, June 2024)
- Authors (2) = Egypt

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