28 June 2024

Thematic Focus: Solutions - Pt. 1

Short pieces:

"It takes a village: why resettling refugees should be a community effort," ANU Reporter, 18 June 2024 [text]
- Focuses on Australia.

Marking the Biden Administration's Progress in Restoring the US Refugee Admissions Program (Center for Migration Studies, June 2024) [text]

"Myanmar refugees in Thailand start interviews for US resettlement," VOA News, 23 May 2024 [text]

Resettlement brings renewed hope for Congolese refugee family in Tanzania (UNHCR, June 2024) [text]

"Using Operations Research to Improve the Refugee Resettlement Process," Yale Insights, 25 June 2024 [text]

Why are IDPs in Kabul Reluctant to Return to Their Places of Origin Following the Taliban's Takeover? (RID Blog, June 2024) [text


Building on Regular Pathways to Address Migration Pressures in the Americas (Migration Policy Institute, June 2024) [access]
- Available in English and Spanish.

Humanitarian Pathways and Ezidi Family Unification in Europe Ten Years After Genocide (Refugees International, May 2024) [text]

Realising Australia’s Positive Vision and Global Leadership on Refugee Resettlement and Complementary Pathways: Response to the Australian Government Discussion Paper on the 2024-25 Humanitarian Program (Refugee Council of Australia, June 2024) [text]

Safe Homes: Key Lessons From Hosting People Displaced from Ukraine in Private Homes (IFRC & Red Cross EU Office, June 2024) [access]
- Follow link for report and case studies. See also related European Commission article.

Solutions in Action: Towards the 2030 Roadmap [text via RCOA]
- NGO Statement at the Consultations on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways (CRCP), Geneva, 5-7 June 2024.

Staying Safe: Inter-Agency insights on Protection and Accountability for Refugees from Ukraine (Regional Refugee Response for the Ukraine Situation, June 2024) [text]

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