10 June 2024

Thematic Focus: Statelessness & Nationality - Pt. 2

Reports & journal articles:

"International Surrogacy and Stateless Children: Article 7 UNCRC and the Harmful Effects of Statelessness," Amicus Curiae (Forthcoming, 2024) [preprint]
- Note: The final version will be published in an open access journal.

*Legal Identity and Civil Documentation in Afghanistan (UNHCR, May 2024) [text]

Litigation Toolkit on Statelessness (European Network on Statelessness & AIRE Centre, Oct. 2022; updated June 2024) [access]
- Volume I = Impact litigation and judicial mechanisms to effect change
- Volume II = Jurisprudence 

"Statelessness: A Radical Rethinking of the Dominant Citizenism Paradigm," Annual Review of Law and Social Science (Forthcoming, 2024) [preprint]
- Note: The final version will be published in an open access journal.

Statelessness and the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: Analysis and Recommendations for Implementation (European Network on Statelessness, May 2024) [text]
- See also related news story.

"(Un)Credible Citizen: Citizenship Dispossession, Documents and the Politics of the Rule of Law," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (Forthcoming, 2024) [preprint]
- Focuses on India.

Visibilizando lo invisible: Avances, desafíos, y recomendaciones para garantizar la identidad legal, la nacionalidad y el nombre de la niñez en movimiento en las Américas (The Dialogue, May 2024) [text]
- See also video recording of related webinar.


#StatelessJourneys: What’s next for work to protect the rights of stateless refugees in Europe?, 29 May 2024 [access]
- See also related editorial.


Global Alliance to End Statelessness [access]
- The Alliance is "committed to accelerating solutions that bring an end to statelessness. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that everyone can enjoy the right to a nationality without any form of discrimination. ...Experience has taught us that eradicating statelessness requires a 'whole of society' approach. Therefore, we are convening a diverse group of stakeholders from around the world, fostering openness, equality, and collaboration. All are invited, including governments at various stages of their journey to eliminate statelessness, stateless-led organizations, regional bodies, UN agencies, and other crucial actors." Find info on how to become a member.


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