18 June 2024

World Refugee Day Series: Open Access Materials - Journal Articles

There are two types of open access journal articles: 

1) Those that are published in journals in which all articles are free to read immediately (gold open access). Some journals require authors to pay a fee for publication, while others don't. The latter are referred to more specifically as "diamond" journals. Moreover, some OA journals allow all types of sharing and re-use, while others do not. See this list for a selection of forced migration-related OA journal titles.

2) Those that are published open access on the websites of traditional subscription-based journals after a publication fee has been paid (hybrid open access). See this list for forced migration-related journals that offer a hybrid OA option for publication and the amount they charge.

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) indexes the contents of OA journals and provides information on journal policies and practices - see, e.g., the record for Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees.

Other resources that can be used to locate OA journals & articles include: 
- African Journals Online (AJOL) [access] (hosts over 500 open access journals published in Africa)
- OpenEdition Journals [access] [hosts over 500, primarily French-language, open access journals)
- Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) [access] (hosts over 1300 open access journals published in the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, Spain & Uruguay)

Locating hybrid open access journal articles in a systematic way is a bit more challenging. However, here are a few resources that can help pinpoint OA articles within traditional journals: 
- I maintain pages that list all open access articles published in OUP's three refugee journals; see IJRLJRS (2014-2021)JRS (2022+) and RSQ.
- You can also search directly on a journal publisher's website, either in an individual journal or all journals, and narrow results by "open access." See, e.g., this search for "refugees" in Taylor & Francis Online. 
- Google Scholar's search results will indicate whether or not a full-text version of an article is available, including for hybrid journals:

The Forced Migration Research Archive (FMRA) accepts all types of OA journal articles. Here are two examples of recent additions:
- Gold OA article: "The Sociology of Refugee Migration," Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 44 (2018) 
- Hybrid OA article: "A Review of Drivers of Environmental Non-migration Decisions in Africa," Regional Environmental Change, vol. 22, no. 4 (2022) 

Make your research easier to find by depositing it in FMRA!

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