11 June 2024

Thematic Focus: Climate Change & Disasters

Short pieces:

Assessing National and International Responses to Climate-Induced Migration (E-International Relations, May 2024) [text]

Climate crisis fuels flooding and deepens displacement (UNHCR, May 2024) [text]

*How the Inter-American Court Could Advance Protection for Climate-Displaced Individuals (Just Security Blog, June 2024) [text]

Reports & journal articles:

"Climate Change Induced Migration: A Gendered Conceptual Framework," Migration & Diversity, vol. 3, no. 2 (2024) [open access]

"The effect of climate change threat on public attitudes towards ethnic and religious minorities and climate refugees," Group Processes & Intergroup Relations (Forthcoming) [postprint]
- Focuses on the UK.

"Japanese and Taiwanese Approaches to Future Climate Displaced People," Refugees and Asylum Seekers in East Asia: Perspectives from Japan and Taiwan (Springer, June 2024) [open access]

Policy discourses on climate change, mobility, and conflict and fragility: Jordan (CGIAR, May 2024) [text via ReliefWeb]

"Refugee Law Initiative Declaration on International Protection in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change," International Journal of Refugee Law, Advance Articles, 30 May 2024 [free full-text]
- See also the companion analytical paper. This is the 2nd RLI Declaration on International Protection; visit the RLI website for more details.

Think About Tomorrow, Act Today: The Future of Human Mobility and Climate Change, International Dialogue on Migration, no. 36 (IOM, May 2024) [text]


Living in Displacement in the Climate Emergency: Refugees and Climate Shocks, 30 May 2024 [access]

Migration, Climate Change, and Security in the Pacific (Changing Climate, Changing Migration Podcast Series, May 2024) [access]


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