28 June 2024

Thematic Focus: Solutions - Pt. 2

Journal articles:

"Did COVID-19 Put Language Certificate Acquisition on Hold? Uptake and Outcomes of Language Training amongst Refugees," Societies, vol. 14, no. 6 (May 2024) [open access]
- Focuses on Belgium.

"Experiences in temporary host countries and their impact on integrating resettled refugees," Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, no. 38 (2024) [full-text]
- Focuses on South Korea.

"The language politics of uncertainty: On the temporal consequences of Germany’s newcomer integration policy," Journal of Refugee Studies, Advance Articles, 6 June 2024 [free full-text]

"Migrant integration in Turkey: Travels of a concept across borders and domains of knowledge production," Migration Studies, Advance Articles, 26 March 2024 [open access]

"The Poor Integration Results of the Common European Asylum System Compared to the Temporary Protection Directive: The Case of the Netherlands," Journal of International Migration and Integration, Latest Articles, 8 June 2024 [open access]

"Return intentions among Ukrainian refugees in Europe: A Cross-National Study," International Migration, Early View, 22 June 2024 [open access]

"A Scoping Review of Instruments Used in Measuring Social Support among Refugees in Resettlement," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 21, no. 6 (June 2024) [open access]


Assessing the US Refugee Admissions Program: Looking Back and Moving Forward, 20 June 2024 [access]

Humanizing Refugee Resettlement (Smart Women, Smart Power Podcast Series, June 2024) [access]

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