17 June 2024

World Refugee Day Series: Open Access Materials - Books

In the lead-up to World Refugee Day, I will be sharing a variety of open access resources with you. In turn, I hope this will help to encourage more authors to provide open access to their research - if you consult and cite open access materials in your scholarship, then you know the benefits they provide! In addition, I will be showcasing the Forced Migration Research Archive (FMRA) as an open access solution for authors who wish to share their research results more widely.

Today's post focuses on open access books. As many of you may already know, I not only reference open access book titles and chapters in the posts I circulate, both on this blog and on my Forced Migration Library blog, but I also maintain a resource page that lists new OA books by publication year. You can really see the increase over time of the number of books published as open access - and 2024 has gotten off to a good start! 

I use the following platforms to discover new and relevant open access books in multiple languages:

Search results in Google Scholar will also indicate if a specific title is open access or not and if so, where the text is located.

Most imprints publish OA titles, and a wide variety of publishers are represented on the a/m resource page; Routledge and Springer, in particular, appear quite frequently. A separate resource page of mine lists forced migration-related book series, several of which feature open access titles more regularly than others. The OA Books Toolkit provides more information on the process of open access book publishing.

If you are already an author of an OA book, then your volume is very likely available via DOAB and OAPEN. However, to enhance the visibility of your research even further, you might also consider depositing your book in a subject-focused repository like the Forced Migration Research Archive (FMRA). Here is an example of a title that is already in the collection, Mobilizing Global Knowledge: Refugee Research in an Age of Displacement, edited by Susan McGrath and Julie E.E. Young. 

If you would like to submit your open access book to FMRA, you just need to fill out a short form and then attach a PDF of your work - it's a very quick process! Thanks in advance for your contribution!

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