06 September 2024

New Issue of RSQ

A special issue of Refugee Survey Quarterly (RSQ) has been published. The theme of vol. 43, no. 2, June 2024 is "Rewriting Refugee Law: Centring Refugee Knowledges and Lived Experience." Contents include:
  • "Introduction - Rewriting Refugee Law: Centring Refugee Knowledges and Lived Experience [free full-text]
  • Revisiting MSS v. Belgium and Greece and Interim Measures before the European Court of Human Rights [open access]
  • Rewriting Febles, Decolonialising Exclusion [abstract]
  • Securitisation of Refugee Protection: The Judiciary’s Role in the Protection of the Rights of Refugees: Attorney General v. Kituo Cha Sheria & 7 others [open access]
  • Rewriting Internal Relocation from a Refugee Perspective - The Lived Experience of Refugees in Afghanistan [open access]
  • Poor-Quality Legal Advice: Re-Imagining How Immigration Detention Centres Should Run in England [abstract]
  • Plaintiff S99: Rewriting Refugee Law Through a Trauma-Informed Lens [open access]

Tagged Periodicals.

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