05 September 2024

Regional Focus: Americas

Short pieces:

IOM, UNHCR Commend Ecuador’s Efforts to Regularize Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants (Sept. 2024) [text]
- See also related news story.

Joint Statement: Trilateral on Irregular Migration - Colombia, United States and Panama, Cartagena de Indias, 26 August 26 2024 [access]
- Available in English and Spanish.

**Visit the weekly Americas Migration Brief for a much more extensive round-up of news and publications.

Reports & book chapters:

Cambios en el perfil de la migración reportada desde los hogares venezolanos (UNHCR, 2023; posted July 2024) [text]

Condiciones de vida y acceso a derechos de personas migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas, colombianas, cubanas, dominicanas y haitianas en Argentina: Informe simplificado (R4V, Aug. 2024) [text]

Memorándum entre el Gobierno de la República de Panamá y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América sobre asistencia y cooperación en asuntos migratorios (July 2024) [text via Refworld]
- See also related media note.

"Mexico and the United States of America: Feasible Mutual Migration Agreements in the Light of Agenda 2030," Chapter in International Migration and the Law: Legal Approaches to a Global Challenge (Routledge, Aug. 2024) [open access]

"Rethinking Legal Categories on Forced Migration: Latin American Specificity and Possible Fertilisation of the European System," Chapter in International Migration and the Law: Legal Approaches to a Global Challenge (Routledge, Aug. 2024) [open access]

Tendencias nacionales: El desplazamiento forzado en Ecuador (ACNUR, July 2024) [text]

Journal articles:

"Adapting and Validating a Survey to Assess Host Communities Support for Migration," Social Indicators Research, Latest Articles, 9 Aug. 2024 [open access]
- Focuses on Venezuelans in Colombia.

"Exit, or Voice? A Quantitative Investigation of Out Migration Intentionality from Venezuela," Journal on Migration and Human Security, OnlineFirst, 26 Aug. 2024 [open access]

"Foreign Policy Collaborations to Manage Migration in the Americas," Wisconsin International Law Journal, vol. 41, no. 3 (2024) [full-text]

"Illegally Crossing an Open Border: The Experiences of Venezuelan Women’s Journeys to Colombia Through Unauthorised Routes," Critical Criminology, Latest Articles, 22 Aug. 2024 [open access]

"Perceived and Pursued Opportunities from Mass Deportation Threats: The Case of Haitian Migrant-Serving Nonprofit Organizations in the Dominican Republic," Nonprofit Policy Forum, Ahead of Print, 1 Aug. 2024 [open access]

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