28 September 2024

Regional Focus: Europe - Pt. 2

Journal articles:

"Beyond authority: governing migration and asylum through practice on the ground," European Journal of International Relations, OnlineFirst, 25 Sept. 2024 [open access]
- Draws on "fieldwork at the European external border in Greece."

"Exposure to anti-refugee hate crimes and support for refugees in Germany," Political Science Research and Methods, FirstView, 16 Sept. 2024 [text]

"'(…) here I have freedom'—A study of refugees' and asylum seekers' legal consciousness in Greece: Self-identity, human rights, and expectations from European Union law," Law & Policy, Early View, 24 Sept. 2024 [open access]

"Implicit hierarchies in the EU representation of refugees: a comparative text-analysis of the European Parliament's framing of Syrian and Ukrainian diasporas," Italian Political Science Review = Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, FirstView, 23 Sept. 2024 [open access]

"Reimagining, Repositioning, Rebordering: Intersections of the Biopolitical and Geopolitical in the UK's Post-Brexit Migration Regime (and Why It Matters for Migration Research)," International Migration Review, OnlineFirst, 17 Sept. 2024 [open access]

"The Rwanda Case: Testing the Limits of Judicial Competence," Judicial Review, Latest Articles, 29 Aug. 2024 [open access]
- See also related "Introductory Note to R (AAA (Syria) and Others) v. Secretary of State for the Home Dep't (UKSC)."

"Strategies to Exclude: Temporariness and Return/Readmission Policies of the EU," Social Sciences, vol. 13, no. 9 (Aug. 2024) [open access]

"Temporary Protection for Ukrainian Refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland," Nationalities Papers, FirstView, 25 Sept. 2024 [open access]

"The Turkish Government’s Ambivalent Policy Response to the New Influx of Afghan Migrants through the Public Policy Tools," Social Sciences, vol. 13, no. 9 (Sept. 2024) [open access]

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