09 September 2024

Thematic Focus: Law/Policy Items

Short pieces:

Fifty Shades of Non-Refoulement: The CJEU’s Distorting Reading of Article 1D Refugee Convention for Refugees of Palestinian Origin (ADiM Blog, Aug. 2024) [text]


90th Meeting of the Standing Committee, Geneva, 1-3 July 2024 [access]

The Displacement Regime Complex: Reform for Protection, Working paper, no. 9 (RefMig Project, 2023) [text]

International Standards on Conscientious Objection to Military Service, Rev. ed. (Quaker United Nations Office, 2024) [text via Refworld]

Migrant Protection Categories in International Law & Practice (Tufts Univ., Oct. 2023) [text]

Journal articles & book chapters:

"Deportation as Torture," NYU Journal of International Law and Politics (Forthcoming) [preprint]

"Deterrence as Legal Innovation: Management of Unwanted: Mobilities and the Future of Refugee Protection," Chapter in Innovative Public Governance in Times of Crisis (Nomos, Aug. 2024) [open access]

"Introduction," Chapter in Borders and Belonging (Oxford Univ. Press, Forthcoming 2025) [preprint]

"The Neoliberal Understanding of Human Rights and the Failure to Protect Refugees," Journal of Law and Political Economy, vol. 4, no. 3 (2024) [open access]

"Temporary Protection in the European Union and the United States: Same Words, Vastly Different Meanings," Journal of Law and Public Affairs, vol. 9, no. 1 (2024) [full-text]

"Who is Recognized as a Refugee? Insights from Diverse Disciplines," Z'Flucht: Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, vol. 7, no. 1 (2023) [free full-text]

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