03 September 2024

Opportunities: More Sept. 2024 & New Oct. 2024

Call for experts: Technical Advisory Group on health, migration and displacement, WHO [info]
- Submit expressions of interest by 10 September 2024.

Call for registration: Protecting Migrants’ and Refugees’ Human Rights: Recommendations for Policy and Practice, Washington, DC, 11 September 2024 [info]

Job announcement: Director, Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness, Melbourne Law School [info]
- Apply by 15 September 2024.

CFP: "Enhancing Compliance with Human Rights from Below in Times of Crisis," Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Symposium, Hasselt, Belgium, 13 December 2024 [info]
- The "symposium seeks to explore how local communities, grassroots movements, civil society organizations and the general public at large can effectively promote and protect human rights when traditional top-down mechanisms falter in times of crisis (climate change, migration flows or political upheavals, etc)." Submit abstracts by 21 September 2024.

CFPs: 22nd IMISCOE Annual Conference: Decentering Migration Studies, Paris–Aubervilliers/Online, 1-4 July 2025 [info]
- Submit paper, panel, and workshop proposals by 23 September 2024.

Call for applications: Editorial Board of the Refugee Survey Quarterly [info]
- Apply by 1 October 2024.

Call for registration: Online Course on Refugee Protection within Mixed Movements, 28 October–29 November 2024 [info]
- Register by 7 October 2024.

Workshop: ReDeFi: Refugee decision-making in first countries of asylum, Copenhagen, 7 October 2024 [info]

Call for registration: 16º Curso virtual sobre el Desplazamiento interno, 11 de noviembre – 6 de diciembre de 2024 [info]
- Register by 15 October 2024.

Call for registration: 39ème Cours en ligne sur le Droit international des réfugiés en français, 11 November–6 December 2024 [info]
- Register by 15 October 2024.

CFP: Conference on "Navigating the politics of (dis)integration: Refugee families’ pathways to inclusion," Brussels, 23-24 April 2025 [info]
- Submit abstracts by 15 October 2024.

CFP: Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal [info]
- Contributions sought for special issue on "Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Unions: Diverse Practices, Diverse Perspectives." Submit abstracts by 15 October 2024.

Call for registration: 5th Online Course on Advocacy for Protection, 25 November– 2 December 2024 [info]
- Register by 21 October 2024.

Call for registration: 40th Online Course on International Refugee Law, 18 November–13 December 2024 [info]
- Register by 21 October 2024.

Call for registration: Advanced ELENA Course 2024, Porto, Portugal, 22-23 November 2024 [info]
- A draft agenda is now available. Register by 22 October 2024.

Call for applications: Statelessness Intensive Course, Online, February 2025 [info]
- Apply by 30 September 2024.

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