25 September 2024

Thematic Focus: Solutions

Short pieces:

Belize advances in integration of asylum-seekers (UNHCR, Sept. 2024) [text]

"Biden plans to keep target of 125,000 refugees next year, internal report says," Reuters, 6 Sept. 2024 [text]

Reports & book chapters:

The influence of Safe Mobility Offices (SMO) on mixed migration in Latin America (Mixed Migration Centre, Sept. 2024) [access]
- Follow link for press release, fact sheet and report, which is available in English and Spanish.

"A polysemous solution to the problem of refugees," Chapter 1 in Resettlement as Protection:
Integrating Resettlement of Refugees in International Refugee Law (Edward Elgar, Sept. 2024) [free full-text]

Private Sponsorship: Revolution in Immigration Policy (CATO Institute, Sept./Oct. 2023) [text]

Ukrainian migration to the UK (Migration Observatory, Aug. 2024) [text]

Journal articles:

"Chronotopes of home and dislocation: recognising the lived experiences of refugees," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 17 Sept. 2024 [open access]
- Focuses on New Zealand and Sweden.

"Does enforcing dispersal policies prevent ethnic spatial concentration? Quasi-experimental evidence from Denmark," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 18 Sept. 2024 [open access]

"Engaging Refugee Volunteers in Co-creation: The Role of Non-profit Leadership," VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Latest Articles, 4 Sept. 2024 [open access]
- Focuses on Norway.

"Escaping uncertainty: overlapping methods of knowledge production and exchange in the naturalization journey," Comparative Migration Studies, 12:41 (Sept. 2024) [open access]
- Focuses on Germany.

"Evaluation of an integration community project for asylum seekers in Sweden: physical activity adherence and changes in character traits and life satisfaction," Scientific Reports, 14:21438 (Sept. 2024) [open access]

"Loneliness and social isolation amongst refugees resettled in high-income countries: a systematic review," Social Science & Medicine, vol. 360 (Nov. 2024) [open access]

"Socialization, citizenship and the electoral integration of refugees: evidence from Sweden," Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18 Sept. 2024 [open access]

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