28 September 2024

Thematic Focus: Climate Change & Disasters

Short pieces:

The Americas, a Region Committed to Better Protect the Human Rights of People Displaced in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change (PDD Perspectives, March 2024) [text]

The ECtHR’s potential role in African climate change displacement (RLI Blog, Sept. 2024) [text]

Legal Pathways for Climate and Disaster Displacement: Consolidating Case Law to Support Litigation around the World (RID Blog, Sept. 2024) [text]
- Introduces the Climiglaw Database, currently in beta.

The Missing Refuge for "Climate Refugees" in the International Legal Framework: A Dialogue with Caitlan M. Sussman (GJIA Dialogues, Sept. 2024) [text]

"Stay or go? Pacific Islanders face climate's grim choice," AFP, 27 Sept. 2024 [text]

Reports & journal articles:

"Advancing Tort Law for Climate Displacement Compensation," Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, vol. 14, no. 3 (Summer 2024) [full-text]

Climate Change, Vulnerability, and Migration: Impacts on Children and Youth in Southeast Asia (World Vision, Sept. 2024) [access]
_ "Climate change impacts, compounded in some cases by infrastructure development such as dam construction, are deepening poverty and inequality and making people ever more vulnerable to distress migration and, through it, to exploitation and abuse." Follow link for executive summary, short report and policy brief.

"Desplazamiento climático en México y justicia ambiental crítica: hacia una nueva línea de investigación," Perfiles Latinoamericanos, vol. 32, no. 64 (2024) [open access]

Displacement and International Protection in a Warming World (Migration Policy Institute, Sept. 2024) [text]

Impacts of displacement: Displacement linked to sea level rise on Plantain Island, Sierra Leone (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Sept. 2024) [text via ReliefWeb]

Mainstreaming a climate, peace and security approach: Challenges and entry points for humanitarian action (UN System Staff College & adelphi, Sept. 2024) [text via ReliefWeb]

Social cohesion and forced mobility in a changing climate: Data from Ghana and Niger, DIIS Working Paper, no. 3 (Danish Inst. for International Studies, Sept. 2024) [access]

Water security and climate resilience in the Somali Region, Ethiopia: An assessment of the vulnerabilities of refugee and host communities (CGIAR, Sept. 2024) [text]

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