04 September 2024

Regional Focus: MENA - Pt. 2

Journal articles:

"Evidence as a Specific Knowledge to Inform Humanitarian Decision-Making in Migration Crisis Contexts: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Jordan," International Migration Review, vol. 58, no. 1 (2024) [postprint]

"'It takes courage to return': West African migrants making sense of (In)voluntary return from Morocco amid adventure, failure and destiny," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 29 Aug. 2024 [open access]

"Multiple borders in one war: Constructing mental maps of Syrian refugees as threats," Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, Early View, 2 Sept. 2024 [Academia]

"Nomadizing the Bedouins: Displacement, Resistance, and Patronage in the Northern Naqab, 1951-52," Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. 53, no. 1 (2024) [open access]

"Recognising Palestinian Refugees: Applicability of Article 1D of the 1951 Refugee Convention in Turkey," Refugee Survey Quarterly, Advance Articles, 24 Aug. 2024 [open access]

"The voice of irregular migrants: A mixed-method study exploring the migration process of Iranian asylum seekers to Europe," Intersections, vol. 10, no. 1 (2024) [open access]

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