18 May 2016

News: Re-vamped UNHCR Web Site

UNHCR's web site has been given another new look and feel. The last time it was re-vamped was in 2009 so it probably was time for a refresh! That said, this iteration will likely not win any design awards since it pretty much looks like every other photo-dense web site. The goal seems to have been to place more emphasis on fund-raising, with "Make a Donation" buttons more liberally deployed.

My main interest is UNHCR's content. The bulk of it still appears to be accessible somewhere on the site but it is hard to make a complete assessment at this stage since a number of links are not yet functional. All of the RSS feeds have been removed except for the main news feed. This is a shame, since with a content-rich site like this one, RSS feeds tailored to certain themes and resources can be helpful for keeping track of what's of most interest to different types of visitors.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that, at the very least, the "What's New" feature will be re-instated, otherwise there won't be any way to systematically determine what has been added to the site other than news stories.

Tagged Web Sites/Tools.

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