Here is a small sampling of what is being said/disseminated to mark the day. Much more can be found via #WorldRefugeeDay.
Media reports/blog posts:
- "17 Ways the Unprecedented Migrant Crisis is Reshaping our World," Washington Post, 20 June 2015 [text]
- “Celebrating” World Refugee Day with four million Syrian refugees on our doorstep (Migration Policy Centre) [text]
- Ending the Second Exile: As conflicts grind on, we must find ways to help the displaced overcome exclusion and dependency, says UNHCR’s Deputy High Commissioner (UNHCR) [text]
- For refugees, actions speak louder than words (OUP Blog) [text]
- Highest levels of global forced displacement on record—World Refugee Day 20 June 2015 (FlagPost Blog) [text]
- How can we solve the global refugee crisis? (World Economic Forum) [text]
- June 20, World Refugee Day (EPRS) [text]
- On World Refugee Day: Palestinian Refugees lack protection and indicate how to ensure it (BADIL) [text]
- On World Refugee Day, Stories of Resettlement and Unsettlement from Nepal (The Migrationist) [text]
- Refugee Week: Days 1-5 (Refugee Research Review Blog) [access]
- Refugees as Survivors (Order from Chaos Blog) [text]
- Refugees deserve support in America, not just a home (The Hill Blog) [text]
- Refugees: Existence. Resistance. Persistence (Huffington Post) [text]
- UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie Pitt calls for action on World Refugee Day (UNHCR) [text]
- U.S. Must Show Global Leadership on World Refugee Day (Human Rights First) [text]
- The US Should Be a Home for Refugees (Cato Institute) [text]
- World Refugee Day: 60 million displaced (Women's Refugee Commission) [text]
- World Refugee Day: a starting block for better pooled governance in refugee protection and migration (ICMC) [text]
- World Refugee Day: Beyond the Numbers (RI Blog) [text]
- World Refugee Day 2015 (ICRC) [text]
- World Refugee Day 2015: 60 million lives upended (International Rescue Comm.) [text]
- World Refugee Day 2015: The Urgent Need for a Fresh Perspective on Global Migration (UN Dispatch) [text]
- World Refugee Day takes place against backdrop of worsening global crisis (UNHCR) [text]
- Joint Statement ahead of World Refugee Day on 20 June (European Commission) [text]
- Statement by António Guterres on World Refugee Day 2015 (UNHCR) [text]
- Statement by the President on World Refugee Day (The White House) [text]
- World Refugee Day (U.S. State Dept.) [text]
- Global Refugee Crisis (IRIN) [access]
- The Global Refugee Crisis: A conspiracy of neglect (Amnesty International) [text]
- Global Trends 2014: World at War (UNHCR) [text]
- Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, ECHO Factsheet (European Commission, Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection) [text]
- A World of Forgotten Refugees (WFP) [access]
- World Refugee Day 2015 (BioMed Central) [access]
- World Refugee Day Collection (OUP) [access]
I will add more as the day progresses.
Tagged Events & Opportunities, Publications and Web Sites/Tools.
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