Seminar: Helping Refugees through Aid, Resettlement, and Diplomacy, Boston, 6 March 2017 [info]
Seminar: Research and Practice: Influence on Public Action, Somerville, MA, 7 March 2017 [info]
Forum on Refugee and Migration Policy, London, 30 Nov. 2016 [info]
- Follow link for meeting summary.
Global Refugee Crisis (Forced Migration Forum, Feb. 2017) [text]
Inclusion and Protection of Migrants and Refugees in Vulnerable Situations within Urban Centres (UNU, Oct. 2016) [text]
"Post-deportation Risks and Monitoring," Forced Migration Review, Mini-feature (Feb. 2017) [open access]
Principles and Practical Guidance on the Protection of the Human Rights of Migrants in Vulnerable Situations, UN Doc. No. A/HRC/34/31 (Human Rights Council, Jan. 2017) [text via Refworld]
- "The present report should be read in conjunction with the related conferenceroom paper outlining draft guidelines complementing each principle." See also various drafts circulated for comment.
Refining Advocacy Assessment: Reflections from Practice (ODI, March 2017) [text]
"The Rise of Refugee Offshoring," The Atlantic, 1 March 2017 [text]
Safe Passage: An Integral Component of the Responsibility to Protect (openDemocracy, March 2017) [text]
"What the Numbers Say about Refugees," Nature, vol. 543, no. 7643 (March 2017) [free full-text]
"Where the World’s Refugees Live," Washington Post, 22 Feb. 2017 [text]
Web sites:
Forced Migration Forum (Zolberg Institute & Yale Law School) [access]
- Aim of this blog is to "to provide a place for debate on the core assumptions and concepts of our field; to encourage researchers to post and discuss their work (and spark a discussion about the research findings and their relevance); and to serve a 'translation' function, bringing research to policy-thinkers and makers in a way that is useful to them."
Program on Refugees, Forced Displacement, and Humanitarian Responses (Yale University) [access]
- Provides "an intellectual hub for research, teaching, and policy recommendations that takes a people-centered approach to the refugee experience – from internal displacement at home, to the transit experience inside and outside the camp, to challenges of resettlement and integration. Acting as a catalyst for innovation, it will be open to new and unconventional ideas of research or public outreach. Rigorous, inter-disciplinary, evidence-based research will be conducted and linked to policy and practice."
Related posts:
- News: UNHCR Mid-Year Trends 2016 (27 Feb. 2017)
- News: New Amnesty International Annual Report (27 Feb. 2017)
- Thematic Focus: General (15 Feb. 2017)
Tagged Events & Opportunities, Publications and Web Sites/Tools.
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